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ID: MV3086

DonerMania UK Master Franchise

United Kingdom

A unique gastronomy and fast food service. Donermania rediscovers the quality kebab, offering a wide range of choices.

ID: MV3086

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Industry Overview

In contrast to the traditional restaurant sector, which has been hit hard by the COVID crisis (46% drop in sales in 2020), the snacking segment was a real driver of the rebound for delivery demand.

The fast-food sector has limited the damage with a drop in sales contained at 16% compared to the 2019 benchmark to reach 16.47 billion euros in 2020.

Business Description

Where families can enjoy a safe environment and tasteful meal - providing the highest level of our services while individualizing every client and maintaining integrity, fairness, and honesty.

A critical success factor that is pertinent to the growth of this company is the number of customers they are able to attract with its service.

The restaurant offers an authentic range of products that meet the expectations of different categories of consumers in terms of kebab, from sandwiches to bowls, including french and mashalla fries and innovative drinks.

Financial Summary

£250,000 - UK Master Licence Fee
£400,000 - £600,000 - Required Capital to invest in a single shop for operations.
  • Expected investment - £650,000 - £850,000
*Please note, prospective buyers who cannot provide proof of funds for this capital will not be considered.

Investment Rationale

Projected annual figures are looking to nearly double revenue within 3 years, with a 10% increase in gross profit margins. The ratio cost of food/sales is superior to 4.

Recent studies show that the halal food industry is growing significantly in the UK. UK Kebab market is led by old Turkish concepts. The company is already in discussions with local providers who think the concept would skyrocket in London.

In addition to a strong local demand for Kebab, the offer including tandoori and curry spices will help to onboard the large Indian community living there.

To register interest you will need to complete our Buyer Verification Process.