A thriving family run business that has developed organically over the last 15 years and is still experiencing a wealth of exciting opportunities for expansion within one of the largest financial business centres in the UK. The business was launched by the current owners in 2010 and is now on the market as they are looking to retire and consider other business ventures. The business is well staffed with a friendly experienced team offering a high level of customer service.
The owners/office are regularly invited to sell off-plan properties and pitch for block management projects. Additionally, they are approached by large firms, to act as sub-agents on both rental agreements and buyer introductions.
The business is primarily lettings focused, with the emphasis on a fully managed service. This could still be improved by increasing the managed portfolio, which in turn would generate repeat monthly income and over time this will increase the asset value. The business has also been successful in offering a sales service, however it has not yet reached its full potential and would benefit from more focus on developing this along with financial services.
85% income generated from lettings activity
66% income generated from the managed portfolio
Growth in income could be achieved through the sale of properties and financial services
Low level of multiple Landlords and no student properties
Business to be sold on a Goodwill basis
Further information is available upon request; please contact the seller below for more details.