Snack in the Box work in partnership with Mars confectionery. It is a home-based business offering vending solutions to customer workplaces.
Who Are We?…
Snack in the Box has been a full member of the BFA for 18 years. We are part of the UK’s 3rd largest vending company Uvenco. We offer vending solutions and are able to offer snack, chocolate, drinks and hot drinks vending options.
What’s Involved?…
You work from home and use your van to service vending customers. Vending customers are any workplace that requires a vending solution with under 100 staff. This may be for a small office of just 5 people, up to a large call centre of around 100 staff. Our customer sites vary from offices, car showrooms, factories, warehouses, distribution centres etc. A typical week for a franchisee will involve visiting between 20 -30 customer sites per day to restock the vending machine, remove the cash and ensure the machine is in full working order. One day a week is spent on ‘business maintenance’ such as ordering stock, taking deliveries, banking, and growing the business with new customers.
This is a full time role, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.
The Benefits
Being part of Snack in the Box, gives you enormous benefits. One of the main benefits is that you are buying into a tried and tested business model with back-up from experts in the field. A Snack in the Box business also offers:
• Our 18 year experience as a full BFA member
• Part of Uvenco, the UK’s 3rd largest vending company
• Flexible ‘mix and match’ investment packages
• A cash-based business
• Regular cash income from Day One
• 100% of your equipment installed and generating income for you on Day One
• Major brand support from Mars, Walkers and Britvic
• An easy to manage business
• Low overheads as your business can be run from home
• Strong sales and marketing, operational and IT support to run your business to its maximum potential
Find Out More
Visit Snack in the Box online at