Awarded the highest designation at his company

18 January 2023

A Managing Director at Northwestern Mutual, a provider of financial services and insurance products.
The client's annual revenue had stalled at $400k, and he was having trouble breaking through that plateau. Also, he was struggling to complete a life goal he had set for himself, passing the Certified Financial Planner exam.
When we first began working together, the client viewed his business as providing financial services and insurance products. While true, after going through our coaching module, Clarity (know thyself, know thy business, know thy client), he uncovered that to truly grow the business, he would have to become an organization based around recruiting. This major switch took some time but was welcomed by the client as he saw that it was the only way to achieve the goals he had set for the organization.
In the years we have worked together, annual revenues have grown from $400k in 2017 to $2 million in 2022. The client received his Certified Financial Planner designation after much prodding. He was also given the 5 Star Pathway award this year, the highest designation in his organization. At the awards banquet this year, he thanked his wife, his associate, and his coach.

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