Eazi-Sites roll out 12 New Pop-Ups to help businesses drive sales.
The Eazi-Sites team endeavour to provide their network of business partners with a handful of exciting updates every single month. This is imperative for website developers, as innovation is a constant theme within the space, and the most competitive developers are those who can continue to improve upon the service they provide.
Partners of the network receive a monthly update with several new and improved features, and amongst the 9 announcements made throughout July, there is one that may go undervalued if not properly considered: Pop-Ups. The Eazi-Business Development team have rolled out twelve new intuitive Pop-Up templates for their partners to begin implementing into their website builds, but first, we must consider why and how Pop-Ups can be such a powerful tool for businesses to employ.
When most internet users hear the word ‘Pop-Up’, they probabl y associate it with several negative connotations, and perhaps even boastfully announce just how ineffective Pop-Ups are against them! However, despite the perception, Pop-Ups still take first place when it comes to popular methods of lead generation online, and the best Pop-Ups go completely unnoticed.
Website Pop-Ups are an exceptional attention-grabbing tool that can help a business promote special offers and discounts, push a potential buyer closer to the point of sale or even gather contact details. Have you ever handed over your phone number and email address in exchange for more newsletters, or a place in a waiting list? That was a Pop-Up. What about those times when you’ve made it to the shopping cart of an online store and just before you pay, a discounted item that goes well with the one you’re buying Pops onto the screen? That’s another example! Pop-Ups pretty much put a business owner in a win-win situation, and below are some fantastic reasons to start using them now:
- Countless case studies show how well they convert.
- They hijack the majority of the screen and thus, demand attention.
- The ROI is almost instant because Pop-Ups basically cost nothing.
- The Eazi-Site’s design team continue to make them look and feel fantastic and effective.
With more and more successful technology businesses being set up each month, it’s surprising that the team at Eazi-Sites still have time to continue to innovate and build, however, they have managed to uphold promise for the best part of eight years and show no signs of slowing down. If you’d like to find out how easy it is to start running a business alongside the Eazi-Sites network, get in contact with the team now to continue your research.