Mccardie breezer! – How the Mccardie’s have generated £2 million’s worth of sales

17 May 2021

We are delighted to report that Mark and Isobel Mccardie – a dynamic duo from East Lothian have hit £2 million worth of sales. We spoke to Mark about how they reached this key milestone which was confirmed earlier this month.

Did you ever envisage that you would reach the £2million mark?

We have always set high expectations for ourselves. It has occurred slightly quicker than we allowed ourselves to imagine, but when we saw the success of others in the company, we knew that it was possible.

How did you achieve this – did you set yourself mini-goals along the way?

Yes, this was key. Our first objective was to get our money back via the Money Back Challenge, then get through the pins* as quickly as we could, then £1 million sales and so on. 

*Our Not Just Travel success ladder awards pins to each consultant after hitting milestones in their business

 What is your background prior to joining The Travel Franchise?

I’ve been in the travel industry for several years in a Marketing capacity and Isobel was a freelance Digital Designer. We’re both well-travelled and have both lived and worked abroad in Australia, USA and Thailand. The passion for travelling has always been there.

How has the support and training of The Travel Franchise helped you achieve your business goals?

The support and training have helped with our success and has happened for us at pivotal moments in our journey. The Millionaires retreat was the turning point that gave us the kick up the backside we needed at that point whilst also giving us a focus for the next part of our business growth. It started motoring from that point.

 What’s next for you? Do you have £3 million in mind?

Definitely! We think there’s so much more we can do to grow the business and don’t see why we can’t hit £3 million-plus in the next 8 months or so. We have targets for each month and break it down that way, it’s much easier to envisage than just a large number at the end of the rainbow!

How would you describe your experience with The Travel Franchise so far?

It’s been really great. We’ve had lots of support and are continuing to develop within The Travel Franchise. The new additions in key areas of the management team will really push the business on and the whole team in head office have collectively helped us get where we are today.

What would you say to anyone who is considering taking on a travel franchise – would you recommend it?

Absolutely. The Travel Franchise offers you everything you need to create a successful travel business and to be your own boss. It’s hard work, but starting a new business is within any sector. If you have the correct approach and attitude, The Travel Franchise will provide the rest. The growth in the business and quality of the training and materials you are equipped with really puts you in a superb position to build a fantastic travel business.

Do you believe that you would have been as successful if you had ‘gone it alone’ as opposed to taking up a franchise?

No. There are so many facets to running a travel business and even though I had an idea of how the industry worked, nothing prepared me for what it entailed both legally and operationally. If you don’t have direct experience of the travel industry, the Travel Franchise is the perfect fit as it gives you the support and training required to set you on your way whilst you still have the independence of running and growing your own business. 


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