Interested in the fast-growing home care sector?

28 May 2015

Quality home care is an emerging market in the UK; one which offers a highly-rewarding opportunity to anyone seeking a profitable business that helps people in need.

What is ‘quality’ home care? In a nutshell it’s the kind of care that you would want your own loved ones to receive, should they ever need support to remain living safely at home. It is person-centred, unhurried, based upon the client’s choices and preferences; delivered with dignity and respect by consistent, well-suited carers at times that the client chooses.

Quality care providers operate largely in the private market but also offer care to council-funded clients via the Direct Payment scheme. They do not take block council contracts that require 15 minute visits and compromise the quality of their services.

Backed by a supportive and highly-experienced franchisor, it is not necessary to have previous experience of the care sector. All you need is a passion to help others and a commitment to top quality customer care.

Right at Home is a multi-award winning leader in the UK quality care market and part of a very successful global brand. We have a proven track record and a very happy network of franchise owners, the majority of whom are exceeding their own expectations financially and in terms of the satisfaction and enjoyment they get every day from their new career. We put our franchise owners first, so that they can always put their clients first.

If what you have read here sounds appealing, we invite you to join us for an exclusive evening Discovery Day event, co-hosted by HSBC Franchise Finance at the top of their Canary Wharf headquarters.

The event, on Wednesday, July 1st from 7pm - 9pm, will comprise:

- An introduction to the Right at Home UK franchise by Managing Director Ken Deary, who is himself a former British Franchise Association Franchisee of the Year
- A presentation on ‘Financing a Franchise’ by HSBC Franchise Director Ken Braddock
- Buffet, refreshments and a chance for one-on-one conversations.

Pre-booking is essential as places are limited.

Interested in finding out more? Contact franchise