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Established Sandwich-takeaway Business In Ilkley For Sale

Ilkley, West Yorkshire, UK
Asking Price:
£99,950 Furniture / Fixtures included
Net Profit:

Alan J. Picken is delighted to offer this well-known sandwich takeaway business to the market.

The business occupies a first-class trading position in the heart of the sought-after town of Ilkley, and by virtue of its prime position, it attracts regular custom from local works, offices, and builders, as well as considerable passing trade.

Over the years, the business has established an excellent reputation for great food, attracting a local and loyal clientele from Ilkley and surrounding conurbations. The sandwich shop occupies an enviable, commanding main road position in the very heart of Ilkley and therefore also benefits from the passing trade of local workers and tourists visiting the area.

Takings £285,472 on 2023 accounts.
Gross profit is circa 58%.
Adjusted net profit in excess of £40,000.

Only by personal inspection can justice be given to the deceptively spacious premises, with valuable fixtures, fittings and quality equipment which have been scrupulously maintained to our client’s exacting standards.

We would strongly recommend early inspection to avoid disappointment.

Business: £99,950 + SAV
Ilkley, West Yorkshire.
Reference. NBFS10603

Property Information




The business occupies a first-class trading position in the heart of the sought after town of Ilkley and by virtue of its prime position attracts regular custom from local works, offices and builders as well as attracting considerable passing trade.